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Lista degli insert per gothic 1(oggetti)

Discussione in 'Gothic I & II' iniziata da Enderjin, 13 Settembre 2007.

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  1. Enderjin

    Enderjin Livello 1

    Mi piace:
    Ecco una lista dei codici insert di tutti gli oggetti presenti nel gioco: (libri, piante, pozioni, chiavi, cibi, trofei degli animali, amuleti, anelli, e strumenti generici)

    ricordo che per poter usare il codice dovrete entrare nella schermata di selezione del personaggio, digitare "marvin" ed uscire. A questo punto in alto a sinistra dovreste vedere la scritta "marvin-mode". quindi premete F2, scrivete insert e dopo il codice dello strumento che volete far apparire e premete invio. Per esempio, se voglio far apparire davanti a me la lista di Ian dovrò premere F2 e scrivere "insert TheList" e dopodiché premere invio.

    Mi scuso se è in inglese a breve lo traduco.

    Libri e scritti

    scritti relativi a quest

    Cronos_Brief Cronos' Letter to Fire Mages 0

    TheList Lista di Ian

    TheListNC Lista di Ian (Estesa)

    KalomsRecipe Ricetta di kalom

    ItWrOMMap mp. della vecchia miniera

    ItWrWorldmap Mp. Della colonia

    ItWrOCmap mp. di campo vecchio

    ItWrNCmap mp di campo nuovo

    ItWrPSImap mp di campo palude

    ItWrFocimap mp di saturas

    ItWrWorldmap_Orc mp della colonia (ampliata)

    ItWrTemplemap schizzo del tempio

    ItWrPinup Schizzo

    ItWr_Fire_Letter_01 lettera chiusa

    ItWr_Fire_Letter_02 lettera aperta

    TheRiddle1 Chromanin

    TheRiddle2 Chromanin 2

    TheRiddle3 Chromanin 3

    TheRiddle4 Chromanin 4

    TheRiddle5 Chromanin 5

    TheRiddle6 Chromanin 6

    ItWrFocusmapPsi mp di y’berion

    ItWrFokusbuch Almanacco

    OrkParchmentOne metà di una pergamena

    OrkParchmentTwo metà di una pergamena

    ItWr_Troll_01 diario del cacciatore di troll

    ItWr_Urkunde_01 Certificate (Title Deed)

    Fakescroll Lettera

    ItWr_GolemBook1 Arcanum Golum Volume I

    ItWr_GolemBook2 Arcanum Golum Volume II

    Scroll4Milten trasferire la potenza (Uriziel)

    altri scritti

    ItWr_Book_Circle_01 1° cerchio magico

    ItWr_Book_Circle_02 2° cerchio magico

    ItWr_Book_Circle_03 3° cerchio magico

    ItWr_Book_Circle_04 4° cerchio magico

    ItWr_Book_Circle_05 5° cerchio magico

    ItWr_Book_Circle_06 6° cerchio magico

    Geheimnisse_der_Zauberei I segreti della magia

    Machtvolle_Kunst Un arte potente

    Elementare_Arcanei Arcani elementari

    Wahre_Macht La vera forza

    Das_magische_Erz metallo magico

    GoetterGabe Un regalo degli dèi

    Schlacht_um_Varant1 la battaglia di varant Vol 1

    Schlacht_um_Varant2 la battaglia di Varant Vol 2

    Myrtanas_Lyrik Poesia di Myrtana

    Lehren_der_Goetter1 Le parole degli dèi Vol.1

    Lehren_der_Goetter2 Le parole degli dèi Vol.2

    Lehren_der_Goetter3 Le parole degli dèi Vol.3

    Jagd_und_Beute Cacciatore e preda

    Kampfkunst L'Arte di combattere

    Die_Gruft La cripta

    Astronomie Astronomia

    Rezepturen volume di ricette 1

    Rezepturen2 volume di ricette 2

    TagebuchOT diario (tempio del dormiente)

    ItWr_Bloodfly_01 Le mosche vampiro (impari a scuoiarle)

    Lukor_Bugfixbook corregge il bug di baal lukor

    Lester_Bugfixbook corregge il bug di lester che non torna dalla biblioteca

    ItWrLevelMap Mappa dei test livel

    ItWrBookOfTales Book of Tales

    XP_Map XP Map 1k Ogni volta che la leggi +20 PA e + 1000 pezzi di metallo

    Piante e pozioni


    ItFo_Plants_Mushroom_01 Hell Mushrooms

    ItFo_Plants_Berrys_01 Blueberries

    ItFo_Plants_Flameberry_01 Flame Thorn

    ItFo_Plants_Seraphis_01 Seraphis

    ItFo_Plants_Velayis_01 Velayis

    ItFo_Plants_Mushroom_02 Slave's Bread

    ItFo_Plants_mountainmoos_01 Mountain Moss

    ItFo_Plants_mountainmoos_02 Grave Moss

    ItFo_Plants_Nightshadow_01 Solanaceae

    ItFo_Plants_Nightshadow_02 Lunanaceae

    ItFo_Plants_OrcHerb_01 Oak Leaf

    ItFo_Plants_OrcHerb_02 Orc Leaf

    ItFo_Plants_Herb_01 Healing Herbs (1)

    ItFo_Plants_Herb_02 Healing Herbs (2)

    ItFo_Plants_Herb_03 Healing Herbs (3)

    ItFo_Plants_Bloodwood_01 Copper Beech Seed

    ItFo_Plants_Towerwood_01 Tower Oak Seed

    ItFo_Plants_RavenHerb_01 Raven Herbs

    ItFo_Plants_RavenHerb_02 Dark Herbs

    ItFo_Plants_Stoneroot_01 Stoneroot

    ItFo_Plants_Stoneroot_02 Dragonroot

    ItFo_Plants_Trollberrys_01 Troll Nightshade


    Heiltrank Potion of Quick Healing

    ItFo_Potion_Dex_01 Essence of Dexterity

    ItFo_Potion_Dex_02 Extract of Dexterity

    ItFo_Potion_Dex_03 Elixir of Dexterity

    ItFo_Potion_Elixier Elixir

    ItFo_Potion_Elixier_Egg Crawler Potion

    ItFo_Potion_Haste_01 Potion of Swiftness

    ItFo_Potion_Haste_02 Potion of Velocity

    ItFo_Potion_Haste_03 Potion of Haste

    ItFo_Potion_Health_01 Essence of Healing

    ItFo_Potion_Health_02 Extract of Healing

    ItFo_Potion_Health_Perma_01 Essence of Life

    ItFo_Potion_Health_Perma_02 Extract of Life

    ItFo_Potion_Health_Perma_03 Elixir of Life

    ItFo_Potion_Mana_01 Essence of Magic Energy

    ItFo_Potion_Mana_02 Extract of Magic Energy

    ItFo_Potion_Mana_03 Elixir of Magic Energy

    ItFo_Potion_Mana_Perma_01 Essence of Spirit

    ItFo_Potion_Mana_Perma_02 Extract of Spirit

    ItFo_Potion_Mana_Perma_03 Elixir of Spirit

    ItFo_Potion_Master_01 Potion of Power

    ItFo_Potion_Master_02 Potion of Supremacy

    ItFo_Potion_Strength_01 Essence of Strength

    ItFo_Potion_Strength_02 Extract of Strength

    ItFo_Potion_Strength_03 Elixir of Strength

    OrcMedicine Orc Medicine 0

    HealthWater Healing Potion Y'Berion


    ItKeLockpick Picklock

    ItKeKey1 Key (Grey)

    ItKeKey2 Key (Gold)

    ItKeKey3 Key (Brass)

    ItKeKey4 Key (White)

    ItKeCavalorn01 Cavalorn's Key

    ItKe_Gomez_01 Gomez' Key

    ItKey_RB_01 Rice Lord's Key

    ItKe_OB_Smith_01 Iron Key (OC Castle Smity)

    ItKe_Storage_01 Key to the Store (Ore Barons')

    ItKe_OM_01 Key to a Chest (Santino)

    ItKe_OM_02 Key to a Chest (Aaron)

    ItKe_OM_03 Key to a Chest (OM Store Shed)

    ItKe_OM_04 Key to a Chest (Alberto)

    ItKe_Psi_Kalom_01 Lab Key (Swamp Camp)

    ItKe_Berg_01 Key to a Chest (Old Mount Fort)

    ItKe_Focus4 Key (Monastery Ruins)

    ItKe_Focus5 Key (Ring of Stone)

    ItKe_Freemine Key to the Free Mine

    ItKe_SunkenTower Key (Sunken Tower)

    DungeonKey Dungeon Key (Old Camp)

    cibi e trofei d’animali


    ItFoBeer Beer

    ItFoWine Wine

    ItFoBooze Rice Schnapps

    ItFo_Potion_Water_01 Water

    SpecialWater Magic Water

    ItFo_OM_Beer_01 Strong Beer

    ItFoSoup Root Soup

    ItFoApple Apple

    ItFo_wineberrys_01 Grape

    ItFoMeatbugragout Meatbug Ragout

    ItFoMuttonRaw Raw Meat

    ItFoRice Rice

    ItFoLoaf Bread

    ItFoMutton Grilled Meat

    ItFoCheese Cheese

    ItFoCrawlersoup Minecrawler Soup

    ItFo_Mutton_01 Ham

    trofei d’animali

    ItAt_Meatbug_01 Bugmeat 2 Life=4

    ItAt_Teeth_01 Teeth 10

    ItAt_Wolf_01 Wolfskin 10

    ItAt_Crawler_01 Mandibles of a Crawler 10

    ItAt_Bloodfly_01 Wings 15

    ItAt_Claws_01 Claws 15

    ItAt_Lurker_01 Lurker's Claws 15

    ItAt_Wolf_02 Skin of an Orc Dog 15

    ItAt_Bloodfly_02 Bloodfly Sting 25

    ItAt_Lurker_02 Lurker's Skin 25

    ItAt_DamLurker_01 Dam Lurker's Claws 30 Quest Item Chap 1, no insert

    ItAt_Crawler_02 Armor Plate (MinecrawlerW) 50 Need 15 for armor

    ItAt_Shadow_01 Skin (Shadowbeast) 100

    ItAt_Crawlerqueen Minecrawler's Egg 100 Quest Item Chap 2

    ItAt_Swampshark_01 Skin of a Swampshark 200

    ItAt_Troll_01 Troll Skin 300

    ItAt_Swampshark_02 Teeth of a Swampshark 500 Quest Item Chap 4

    ItAt_Waran_01 Tongue of Fire 500 Quest Item Chap 4

    ItAt_Shadow_02 Horn (Shadowbeast) 500 Quest Item Chap 4

    ItAt_Troll_02 Troll Tusk 500 Quest Item Chap 4

    ItAt_StoneGolem_01 Heart of a Stone Golem 1000 Casts Windfist Quest Item Chap

    ItAt_FireGolem_01 Heart of a Fire Golem 1000 Casts Fireball Quest Item Chap 4

    ItAt_IceGolem_01 Heart of an Ice Golem 1000 Casts Icecube Quest Item Chap 4

    ItAt_IceGolem_02 Piece of an Ice Golem 100 Casts Thunderbolt, needs 495 Mana

    amuleti ed anelli


    ItMi_Amulet_Psi_01 Sign of the Brotherhood 5 None

    Schutzamulett_Feuer Amulet of Flames 600 Fire=10

    Schutzamulett_Waffen Armor Amulet 600 Wea=15

    Schutzamulett_Geschosse Amulet of Oak Skin 600 Arr=15

    Schutzamulett_Magie Amulet of Spiritual Power 600 Mag=8

    Schutzamulett_Magie_Feuer Amulet of Purification 1000 Fire=10 Mag=8

    Schutzamulett_Waffen_Geschosse Amulet of Stone Skin 1000 Wea=15 Arr=15

    Schutzamulett_Total Amulet of Ore Skin 1600 Fire=10 Mag=8 Arr=15 Wea=15

    Gewandtheitsamulett Amulet of Agility 320 Dex=10

    Gewandtheitsamulett2 Amulet of Dexterity 480 Dex=20

    Staerkeamulett Amulet of Power 320 Str=10

    Staerkeamulett2 Amulet of Strength 480 Str=20

    Lebensamulett Amulet of Life Force 720 Life=30

    Amulett_der_Magie Amulet of Magic 400 Mana=10

    Amulett_der_Macht Amulet of Might 600 Dex=7 Str=7

    Amulett_der_Erleuchtung Amulet of Enlightenment 1000 Life=10 Mana=10

    KdW_Amulett Messenger's Amulet WaterMages 100 Wea=5 Quest Item Chap 1

    Neks_Amulett Amulet of the Dead Guard 50 Wea=5 Quest Item Chap 1

    ItMi_OrcTalisman Orc Talisman 1000 Fire=20 Quest Item Chap 3


    Schutzring_Feuer1 Ring of Flame Protection 200 Fire=3

    Schutzring_Feuer2 Protection of Fire 400 Fire=5

    Schutzring_Geschosse1 Ring of Wooden Skin 200 Arr=5

    Schutzring_Geschosse1 Ring of Stone Skin 400 Arr=10

    Schutzring_Waffen1 Ring of Iron Skin 200 Wea=5

    Schutzring_Waffen2 Ring of Ore Skin 400 Wea=10

    Schutzring_Magie1 Ring of Spiritual Power 200 Mag=1

    Schutzring_Magie2 Ring of Defense 400 Wea=3

    Schutzring_Magie1_Fire1 Ring of Purification 600 Mag=1 Fire=3

    Schutzring_Magie2_Fire2 Ring of Invincibility 800 Mag=3 Fire=5

    Schutzring_Geschosse1_Waffen1 Ring of Steadfastness 600 Wea=5 Arr=5

    Schutzring_Geschosse2_Waffen2 Ring of Impeachability 800 Wea=10 Arr=10

    Schutzring_Total1 Ring of Lesser Invincibility 800 Mag=1 Fire=3 Arr=5 Wea=5

    Schutzring_Total2 Ring of Greater Invincibility 1000 Mag=3 Fire=5 Arr=10 Wea=10

    Ring_des_Geschicks Ring of Lesser Dexterity 160 Dex=5

    Ring_des_Geschicks2 Ring of Greater Dexterity 240 Dex=10

    Ring_des_Lebens Ring of Life 180 Life=10

    Ring_des_Lebens2 Ring of Greater Life 360 Life=20

    Staerkering Ring of Power 160 Str=5

    Staerkering2 Ring of Strength 240 Str=10

    Ring_der_Magie Ring of Magic 200 Mana=10

    Ring_der_Erleuchtung Ring of Enlightenment 500 Mana=15 Life=15

    Machtring Warrior's Ring of Power 300 Str=4 Dex=4

    MordragsRing Mordrag's Ring 250 Dex=5 Quest Item Chapt 1

    Lares_Ring Lares' Ring 50 Str=3

    strumenti vari

    ItMiStomper Weed Masher 3 Use on Swampweed

    ItMiHammer Hammer 3 Use on Boards

    ItMiScoop Wooden Spoon 3 Use on Kettles

    ItMiFlask Lab Flask 3 Use on Alchemy Lab

    ItMiSwordraw Raw Steel 40 Use in Smithy

    ItMiSwordrawhot Glowing Steel 51 Use in Smithy

    ItMiSwordbladehot Glowing Blade 64 Use in Smithy

    ItMiSwordblade Blade 80 Use on Grind Wheel

    ItLsTorchFirespit Torch (Flame Blower) 3 InExtremo

    ItMiLute Lute 10 First Use XP=10

    ItMiWedel Palm Frond 3 Babe Item

    ItMiBrush Brush 3 Babe Item

    ItMiJoint_1 Green Novice 8 First Use XP=5

    ItMiJoint_2 Northern Dark 15 First Use XP=10

    ItMiJoint_3 Dreamcall 20 First Use Mana=+2

    ItMiNugget Ore Nugget 1

    ItLsTorch Torch (New) 2

    ItLsTorchBurning Torch (Lit) 0

    ItLsTorchBurned Torch (Used) 0

    ItMi_Plants_Swampherb_01 Swampweed 8 Use on Joint Maker

    ItMi_Stuff_Pipe_01 Pipe 10

    ItMi_Stuff_Barbknife_01 Razor 5

    ItMi_Stuff_OldCoin_01 Coin 0

    ItMi_Stuff_OldCoin_02 Coin 0 Quest Item

    ItMi_Stuff_Plate_01 Plate 4

    ItMi_Stuff_Candel_01 Candlestick 10

    ItMi_Stuff_Cup_01 Tumbler 4

    ItMi_Stuff_Cup_02 Goblet 50

    ItMi_Stuff_Silverware_01 Cutlery 15

    ItMi_Stuff_Pan_01 Pan 10

    ItMi_Stuff_Mug_01 Jug 10

    ItMi_Stuff_Amphore_01 Amphora 15

    ItMi_Stuff_Idol_Ogront_01 Statue 15

    ItMi_Alchemy_Sulphur_01 Sulfur 20

    ItMi_Alchemy_Quicksilver_01 Mercury 25

    ItMi_Alchemy_Salt_01 Salt 10

    ItMi_Alchemy_Syrianoil_01 Syrianic Oil 15

    ItMi_Alchemy_Moleratlubric_01 Molerat Grease 5

    ItMi_Alchemy_Alcohol_01 Pure Alcohol 18

    SpecialJoint Prepared Dreamcall 200 Quest Item Chap 1, Baal Tyon

    RecruitJoint Swampweed for Digger Quest Item Chap 1, no picture, use=200XP

    ItMi_Stuff_Gearwheel_01 Gearwheel 0 Quest Item Chap 2

    Focus_1 Focus from Ocean Cliff 0 Quest Item Chap 2

    Focus_2 Focus from Troll Canyon 0 Quest Item Chap 3

    Focus_3 Focus from Mountain Fort 0 Quest Item Chap 3

    Focus_4 Focus from Ruined Monastery 0 Quest Item Chap 3

    Focus_5 Focus from Ring of Stone 0 Quest Item Chap 3

    ItMiAlarmhorn Horn 9 Quest Item Chap 5

    ItMi_Stuff_Idol_Sleeper_01 Figurine 0 Quest Item Chap 5

    strumenti test

    Questi strumenti non appaiono nel gioco.














  2. Spanky90

    Spanky90 Livello 1

    Mi piace:
    Cosa sarebbero gli strumenti che non appaiono nel gioco?
  3. D

    D Ronin Ex staff

    Mi piace:
    oggetti che non sono presenti nel gioco ma che sono usati dai programmatori nel betatest (armi che fanno 100000 di danno e roba simile).
  4. mattmure94

    mattmure94 Livello 1

    Mi piace:
    [smilie=icon_doh.gif] ma nn ci sono trucchi per armi?????
  5. Vontrippen

    Vontrippen L'Uno Ex staff

    Mi piace:
    Se vuoi i trucchi per gothic 1 & 2 guarda qui
  6. Enderjin

    Enderjin Livello 1

    Mi piace: